Link meaning to new vocabulary
Link new vocabulary to already existing schema
Discriminate between different and same characteristics
Increase speech/sign/fingerspelling vocabulary
Reinforce question-answer discourse
Develop sign/speech relationship to meaning of English printed words
Teacher actions are highlighted in gold.
Focus on concept of colors as descriptor/ characteristic (e.g. red, yellow, blue, black)
Have many red objects visible in the classroom.
For example: Teacher dresses all in red. Have a red tablecloth on a table with a red bowl and red apples in bowl.
Ask students if they see something funny?
Show clothes, tablecloth, bowl, apples.
Tell the students these are all the same color. Red is the name of the color.
Write the word 'red'; have the students select a red marker and color a box red next to the word.
Sign/say/fingerspell red with the students.
Write the word on the board
Place objects in a bag (e.g.4 red, 2 others). Pull out an object.
Ask: Is this red?
Match to red box on chart and other red objects.
Guided Practice
Show students other familiar red objects e.g. paper, crayon, toys.
Ask what the object is and elicit response.
Ask students to name the color
Write 'a red paper' or 'I have a red paper' (depending on which is appropriate for your students).
Say/sign/fingerspell the phrase, then have students say/sign/fingerspell it with you.
Give each student a paper bag with a red object in it.
Each student feels in bag.
Ask: What do you have? 'Student names the object.
Ask: Were you correct? What is that? and then, What color is (the car) ?
Show the student’s answer on board:
N has a red car.
Read to the students.
Students identify the word 'red'. Encourage students to say/sign/fingerspell the word.
Go on a scavenger hunt for red objects that were previously “hidden.”
Ask: What did you find?
Elicit response: A red ball.
Reinforce response: Yes, you found a red ball!
Show student’s response on the board
N found a red ball.
Read, sign/say the sentence and then ask the students to read it.
Advancing the Strategy
Concept contrast red / yellow
Review previous work and introduce a new color concept
Review concept of red by having children show and discuss their “red” pictures they brought from home and put them on the bulletin board.
Use these color concepts in language experience stories.
Begin concept development of yellow using steps similar to those described previously.
At the end of the section on yellow, have each student show a picture of favorite yellow object.
Give each student a paper bag with a red or yellow hat made of paper in it.
Put up sign on red/ yellow papers: “Red Hats” and “Yellow Hats”.
Each student opens bag and says/signs, “I have a red /yellow hat” and then goes to the correct sign.
Red group and yellow group work together on problems.
Give each student red or yellow math markers, such as tiles or rods and tell how many yellow or red items they have.
Present math problems for them to solve with the sticks. For example:
Say/sign: Luis has 3 yellow tiles.
Say/sign: Jen has 2 red tiles. (
Ask: How many tiles do Luis and Jen have all together?
Write problem and answer on board (3+ 2 = 5).
Give each group a stack of pictures or objects that are red or yellow, sort pictures into appropriate stacks.
Develop concept of color blue using similar steps and procedures.
Develop concept of color black using similar steps and procedures.
Present discrimination activities for the colors blue and black.
Many concepts can be developed using a similar format (e.g. adjectives of size: big, little; descriptive adjectives: glad, sad, mad).