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Decision Making
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  • Investigate age-appropriate social or global problems

  • Determine/formulate appropriate and positive solutions to the problem

  • Practice in social communication, perspective-taking, negotiating, decision-making skills

  1. Write a “What if…” question on a card stating an issue relevant to the students.

    • For example, What if someone at school offered you drugs?

    • Later the students can write their own “What if…” questions about issues they want to discuss.

  2. Students write their responses anonymously on a card and put them in a box.

    • Pull a response out of the box, read it, and have the students discuss their thoughts regarding the response. 

    • Continue in the same manner for all of the responses.

Anchor 1
Advancing the Strategy

Variation: List all of the student responses on a paper and give to each student. Students select the responses that they think are the best and explain why.

Anchor 2

This website was developed by the avenuePM team pursuant to Cooperative Agreement CFDA H327S170012 with the Office of Special Education Programs, United States Department of Education, Terry Jackson, Project Officer. The opinions expressed and materials contained herein do not necessarily reflect the position or policy of the United States Department of Education and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.


© Designed and developed by researchers at the University of Minnesota and Penn State University.(v.3.6.5)

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