A pronoun is a word that substitutes for a noun or noun phrase. It can function independently ( e.g., ‘me’ or in place of a NP referring to someone or something present (e.g., I, you ) or to someone or something elsewhere (e.g., she, it, this ).
Teacher actions are highlighted
Review the concept and activities from the “Pronoun in subject position (I)”
Ask: What do you know about the words 'she/he.'
Tell Emma: Walk to the window.
Ask the other students what Emma did. Elicit response: 'Emma walked to the window.'
Write the sentence on the board.
Tell Emma to look for the school bus.
Ask: What did Emma do?
Write the response on the board under the first sentence (Emma looked for the school bus).
Draw a line through the word ' Emma'
Write ''She' above 'Emma'.
Tell the students that instead of repeating the name, they can use another word ( pronoun) for a girl: 'she'.
Students say/sign/fingerspell the sentences with you.
Advancing the Strategy
Write three pairs of sentences on a chart.
Use names that are different from the names of students. For example:
Mary tripped on the rug.
Mary fell down.
Read the first pair of sentences. Support the student to cross out the name in the second sentence and replace with 'She'.
Students read the sentences.
Repeat with the additional sentence pairs.
Have more sentence pairs written on a second chart. Use a girl, a woman, a lady, and Grandma in the sentences instead of names, for example:
A girl bought a candy bar.
_____ paid 50 cents.
Repeat the steps using the pronoun 'he.'
Give each student a worksheet with sentence pairs similar to those used during explicit instruction.
Draw a line in the second sentence instead of writing in a name or a pronoun.
Students complete their papers by writing the correct pronoun 'he' or 'she' on the line.
Develop the concept of the pronoun 'it' using procedures and activities similar to those used for I, she, he.
Students read a story that includes frequent use of the pronoun ' it'.
Each time they read the pronouns I, she, he, or it, have them identify who is talking or who the pronoun references.
Incorporate the new pronouns into language experience stories and all other activities during the school day and emphasize the pronouns.