Instructional Strategy Resources
This page includes additional instructional strategy resources that you can download to supplement and enhance your instruction. Click to each instructional strategy resource featured on this page:
Reading Questions to Consider When Making Instructional Changes
These checklists provide guidance in the selection and application of promising practices with students who are deaf or hard of hearing. The questions are designed to be reflective with respect to instructional strategies, student progress, and the problem-solving process. Note: Click on each resource to download a full copy.
Language Checklist: Semantics
Language Checklist: Pragmatics
Language Checklist:
Syntax and Morphology
Reinforcing Linguistic Structures- Literature Book Connections
English language structures may be acquired through naturally occurring social interactions, repeated exposure, and interactions with various patterns of language. When explicit instruction of language patterns is provided, continued development of language skills can be reinforced through reading books, language experience stories and story retells. Note: Click on the resource to download a full copy.
Word Knowledge
This presentation was designed for teachers whose students are Deaf or Hard of Hearing and those students who are developing English language skills. Patricia McAnally and Susan Rose define and explain the importance of word knowledge. They also describe interventions to support students in their word knowledge development.

Avenue: Progress Monitoring
Ave:PM is an evidence-based software suite designed to monitor progress with students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. The curriculum-based measurement (CBM) tasks may be used with students who are developing language including ASL, signed, and spoken English languages. This website was developed to provide teachers with strategies that support a student’s literacy goals based on Ave:PM and other formative assessment data.